Sunday, October 25, 2009

Apple Hill!!

Today we ventured up to Apple Hill! Our first family trip! It was lots of fun and a great day to spend special time with Evan. He has been such a good boy since Olivia has arrived and it was awesome to "spoil" Evan with some fun! He had lots of firsts today! He went on a pony ride, got his face painted and ran through the hay maze with Mommy. An exciting day! :) Pictures below...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Olivia Ann is here...birth story below!!!

Just as an FYI...the birth story is written below. If you don't want to read through our experience and all the details than skip it.

Well...our little princess has finally arrived! I started feeling regular contractions as soon as I woke up on Saturday, October 3rd (which happens to be our 11 year dating anniversary)! I had a feeling it was the real thing, but I still had a thought that there was no way she was really coming! We stayed home all day and began "nesting" (we cleaned the entire house, did all the laundry, dishes, name it, we did it). We gave Evan all the love we could before his life was turned upside down.

I took a nap when Evan did because I thought I should "rest up". When I woke up I was still having contractions about every 5-7 minutes. I knew that I needed to get them closer together, so we went on a walk through the neighborhood. Poor Steve was so nervous becuase I kept having to stop with each contraction and he was afraid I would have the baby on the side of the road during our walk. When we got back from our walk I decided I should shower so that we could head to Roseville. I did not want to be 30 minuets away from the hospital so we decided to meet my mom at the mall to do some more walking. We ended up shutting the mall down!

We made our way to Kaiser around 9:15 and I knew this was it. Besides the contractions, my body gave me a few "sure signs" while at the mall that she was coming! We get to Kaiser and of course I'm standing there waiting to get all checked in and I can't feel a dang contraction and I am in no pain. I feel like everyone sitting waiting to be checked in was thinking I was full of crap when I told the nurse that I was having painful contractions and other "sure signs" of labor.

At 9:30 they put me in a room to monitor and check me out and sure enough I was dilated to 5 and 80% effaced! Wohoo!!!! I'm finally admitted! My Mom and Steve decided it was time to take Evan to meet our friend Erin since she would be watching him for us. Steve was terrifed that he would miss the birth of our baby. Um...don't worry, she's not coming in 30 minutes you'll be fine! They head off and I start calling all of our family and friends!

10:30 comes and I get put into my labor and delivery room. They called my doctor to tell her that I was admited and she said she would make it to the hospital to deliver the baby! We were thrilled! This experience so far was WAY different than with Evan! First off I stayed fully clothed and wasn't wheeled in by Steve with me crying of pain. Saturday Night Live gets put on and Steve, Mom and I sit around laughing and joking while the nurses set up everything in the room. Such a fun night! Really! Around 11:00 Jenn arrives and she decides to walk the halls with me since I walked Steve and my Mom around the mall about 10 times! At this point I'm feeling great, working through the contractions! I'm so proud of myself. Since my first experience was so dramatic! The nurses were even commenting asking if I was really in labor because I was smiling, joking and laughing. I think I was just so excited to finally meet the baby and to no longer be swollen, huge and pregnant!

Midnight came and Kelly and Dana walk through the doors! I start having a little more pain and decided it was time to start thinking about an epidural. I got my first epi around 1:30...didn't work. They redid the epi and I was a happy camper around 2:30. At this point they broke my bag of water and checked me. I was dilated to 6...I couldn't believe that since 10:00 I only progressed by 1 centimeter. What a sad thing to hear.

Once I was settled everyone came back into the room and wanted to try to get some sleep. Steve slept in a small chair with my Mom's sweatshirt on because it was freezing to everyone but me in the room. Mom and Dana were cuddled on the couch with blankets and pillows. Kelly was asleep in a chair with a blanket and pillow resting on the table in the room. Jenn was playing Solitaire on the floor with her laptop! She was prepared for the possible long night! So funny to see.

I asked to be checked at 3:30. The nurses checked and I was dilated to 9! WoW! Everyone in the room popped right up and became all perky! They called Dr. McKay and she was on her way. The nurses all started coming in and setting up the babies "station" and getting me ready for the doctors arrival.

Dr. McKay arrives and gets her "gear" all on. She checked me and said I was complete! I told her I wasn't feeling the urge to push. She ignored me and told me to push with the next contraction and sure enough that's all my body needed to get things going. I started pushing at 4:03am and Olivia arrived at 4:27am!!! She weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. She is PERFECT!!! Dark hair, blue eyes, perfectly round head, a great set of lungs and long fingernails! She is just so adorable!

This was such an amazing experience and I'm glad that I get the chance to share it with you! I never thought labor would be fun, but this time around I really did have a blast through the whole thing. I think everyone there had a great time! :) I'm so thankful to the amazing team we had at the hospital to care for us. I have the best doctor around and am so happy that she shared in this with Steve and I. She is AWESOME!! PICTURES ARE BELOW....scroll down! For more pictures click on the link:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Been a long time......

We have been super busy this summer. It's been a long time since we last updated our blog. I started back at school, celebrated Steve's 30th Birthday with a surprise party, spending as much time with Evan and are also trying to get the baby's nursery complete before she arrives (only 5 more weeks)!!

Evan is such a great big brother already! He loves to lift up my shirt, say "baby", rub my belly and give my tummy kisses and hugs. It's so cute and if we ever catch it on camera we'll add it to the blog. He also thinks it's fun to play in her room.

Luckily, we finally have a routine set in or house and it feels so good! Both Steve and I feel like we are finally getting organized and have things under control at our house...just in time for the new baby to arrive and throw us through a big loop again. We want to thank everyone who has helped us out lately (with Evan and things around our house) know who you are! We are so lucky to have such an awesome family and we love you all so much!

We are ready for our new adventure and can't wait to see what this baby has in store for us! I'll try to keep this updated over the next few weeks so that you can see the updates on when baby will arrive! I also want to add more pictures of the nursery so far and of Steve's surprise birthday!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Busy and loving it!!

Well I added some more pictures!

We went to Tahoe a few weekends ago for a well needed family vacation! What a great time we had! It rained one of the days we were there, but we made the best of it!

Then of course you have the county fair! Can't miss it! We took Evan to see the animals and of course go on the one ride he was allowed on (he was too small for all the others...wish they would have told us before we bought the tickets!)

Father's Day! Perfect! Couldn't have planned it much better! Steve deserves a special day! We love him. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Pictures to Come!

I'll try to upload more pictures within the next few days-so check back soon! xoxoxo


Thanks for visiting our blog. I decided to do this so that family and friends from far could see what we were up to and watch the kiddos grow! Enjoy! Love~ The Groves Family